Ingredients (per 10 ml)
Active ingredients:
Dry extract of blueberry fruits ..... 300 mg
Phosphatidylserine 20% ……………….……. 75 mg
L-Arginine aspartate ………………….…. 500 mg
L-Glutamine ……………………….…… 150 mg
Choline bitartrate …………………….…… 150 mg
Leucine …………………………….…… 150 mg
Threonine ………………………….…..….. 50 mg
Methionine ……………………….…….…. 50 mg
Izoleucine ………………………….…..… 50 mg
Excipients: water, fructose, sweetener, xanthan gum, potassium sorbate, citric acid.
Product information
Blueberry fruits (Vaccinium myrtillus) contain vitamins, trace elements, especially vitamin A and anthocyanins, which are important for eye health.
Vitamin A (retinol) participates in the synthesis and exchange of rhodopsin, a visual pigment, adapts the eyes to see in the dark, strengthens the retina, improves color perception, plays an important role in eye health and visual acuity. Vitamin A prevents "night blindness" in humans. Vitamin A provides moisture to the eye surface and protects the cornea from drying out and conjunctivitis. Anthocyanins strengthen the vascular walls of the retina, ensure blood flow and oxygen supply to the eyeball, and stimulate metabolism. Stimulates synthesis and natural renewal of rhodopsin pigment, increases visual acuity, improves adaptation to darkness and low light conditions. It accelerates the natural renewal process of the retina and reduces eye fatigue. Anthocyanins have antioxidant properties, neutralize free radicals, ensure their removal from the body, protect against their harmful effects on the eyes, prevent premature aging of eye cells.
Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that forms the inner layer of the cell membrane. It ensures the nutrition of cells with vitamins and biologically active substances, ensures their physiological functions (division, growth, etc.), improves metabolism. Membranoprotector has an effect, protects cells from the influence of external factors. The serine in its composition is important for the normal functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. It ensures the activity of the "nerve cell growth factor" protein. Due to this protein, healthy neurogenesis occurs and the activity of neurons increases. It provides trophism in brain tissue. It reduces the effect of stress on cells, protects the brain from the negative effects of external environmental factors, normalizes sleep and improves its quality. It has a positive effect on cognitive functions (perception, concentration, thinking), strengthens memory.
L-Arginine turns into nitric oxide in the body, which eliminates vascular spasm and expands the vessels, as a result of which the microcirculation in tissues and organs improves, the supply of oxygen and nutrients increases. Strengthens cellular (T-lymphocytes) and humoral (IgE) immunity, increases resistance to infections. It is necessary for the normal functioning of reproductive organs. Arginine is involved in the synthesis of insulin and growth hormone. Insulin carries out the transport of glucose to the tissues to ensure its use for growth and energy production. For this reason, it increases the body's tolerance to physical loads. Arginine inhibits inflammatory processes, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart diseases, improves kidney function, and provides mental health.
L-Glutamine participates in the protein synthesis of muscle cells and accelerates the growth of muscle mass. It easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier, participates in the metabolism of neurons and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Regulates the nitrogen balance, prevents the accumulation of ammonia compounds and protects against their harmful effects. It is a powerful antioxidant, protects against the damaging effects of free radicals.
Choline bitartrate (vitamin B4) is a vitamin-like substance with membranoprotective properties. It improves metabolism, protects cells from damage and breakdown, ensures the elimination of toxins from the body, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, improves liver and brain function, improves mood and has an antidepressant effect, strengthens memory and concentration. It ensures the conversion of fats into energy in the liver, increases the body's tolerance to various loads, and slows down the aging process. Choline increases the synthesis of growth hormone.
Amino acids are the source of proteins necessary for the foundation of all cells in the body. Dissolved proteins in the cell cytoplasm support growth, development, muscle formation and myocyte repair, wound healing, digestion of certain nutrients, intelligence development, disease resistance, and important nitrogen balance. Amino acids are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. It ensures better absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, especially for the transmission of signals to the brain. Isoleucine, leucine, methionine, threonine are indispensable amino acids, they are not synthesized in the human body and can only be taken from outside. It regulates the nitrogen balance and metabolism in the body, participates in protein synthesis, plays an important role in growth and development, and the functioning of the nervous system. In the period of intensive development, during pregnancy and during some diseases, the demand for essential amino acids increases sharply. Leucine participates in the formation of muscle tissue and protects them, is also a source of energy for the body, plays an important role in strengthening the immune system. Helps to heal wounds quickly. It ensures the health of bones, muscles and skin. Isoleucine is essential for hemoglobin synthesis. It participates in the formation of muscle tissues. Methionine improves digestion and is necessary for liver health. It plays a key role in the formation of hair, skin and nails. Protects the body from the harmful effects of radiation. Threonine is important for liver health and immune system function, synthesis of immunoglobulins and antibodies.
Instructions for use
It is recommended in the complex treatment and prevention of the following diseases:
- Decreased visual acuity, decreased night vision, eye fatigue syndrome
- Nearsightedness (myopia), acquired hemeralopia
- Retinal dystrophy, maculodystrophy
- Cataract prevention
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Chronic fatigue, physical and mental strain, attention and memory disorders
- Stunting (retarded growth in height and weight)
- Mental retardation (speech defects, distraction)
- In the complex treatment of muscle hypotonia, hyperkinesis
- In the complex treatment of depressive conditions
- In the complex treatment of children's cerebral palsy
- To speed up recovery during eye surgery
- Asthenic conditions after infectious diseases and surgical operations
- Recovery period after eye injuries
Contraindications: Sensitivity to any component contained in the product.
Method of use and dosage
Oftamix syrup is taken internally after meals. It can be dissolved in a small amount of water, milk or fruit juice before use. The dose and duration of treatment are determined individually by the doctor.
Use the following doses unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.
Children aged 4-8 years: 5 ml once a day
Children aged 9-13 years: 7.5 ml once a day
Children over 14 years and adults: 10 ml 1 time a day
It can be prescribed to children under 4 years of age on the advice of a doctor. Shake the vial well before use. Dosage and administration can be adjusted by the doctor.
Release form:Syrup for internal administration, in a 100 ml glass vial, in a cardboard box.
Producer: ValueMed Pharma Srl, San Marino.